Here's how to decide if a second application is worth it.

Q: Should you reapply for a job that got reposted?

Should I reapply for a position if it has been almost 30 days [since I submitted my application] and I noticed the company just renewed their posting on its careers site and other job boards? — Robby M.

Great question, Robby! Before you decide whether or not to reapply for a position that's been reposted, it's important to understand why a job gets reposted at all.  

Why jobs get reposted

Here are some of the most common reasons why an employer may decide to post a position a second time.

  • The applicant pool was “weak.” The hiring manager did not receive enough applications from qualified candidates during the initial posting. This is, by far, the most common reason why a job gets reposted. Unfortunately, many qualified candidates are often eliminated from the applicant pool early on because their resumes were not compatible with the employer's applicant tracking system (ATS) or because their applications contained one of the top resume mistakes recruiters consider to be a deal-breaker.

  • The job requirements changed. Once a hiring manager starts reviewing applications or interviewing candidates, he or she may realize that the job posting needs to be changed to more accurately reflect the opportunity, its requirements, and what will be expected of the right candidate. For instance, those involved in filling the position may determine that the years of experience need to be adjusted or that a requirement for the role needs to be added, removed, or further explained.

  • A job offer fell through. It happens. Sometimes an employer finds the right candidate, extends a job offer, and the offer is declined by the job seeker. Other times, a prospective employee initially accepts the offer but then changes his or her mind at the last minute. If the hiring manager doesn't have a strong runner-up to fall back on, the job may be reposted and the search for the right candidate will start anew.

When should you move on?

There are a few instances when it's not worth your time to reapply for a position:

  • You were eliminated during the interview process. If you previously interviewed for the role, were rejected, and the job requirements have not changed since the position was reposted, there's no point in applying again. You're simply wasting everyone's time. I know it's frustrating when you're excited about a job and think you're a good fit, but there's not much you can do after you've met with the team and sent your interview thank-you notes. You're better off focusing on new opportunities than dwelling on the one that got away.

  • The new posting says that previous applicants will be considered. If the new posting explicitly states prior applicants are still in the running, there is no need to reapply. As far as you know, your candidacy is still in contention for the job. Applying to the reposted position is a waste.

  • Your resume hasn't changed. Sure, some job applications fall through the cracks. Hiring managers — especially those not using ATS software — get inundated with job applications and may not look at every resume that crossed their inbox. However, if the job has been reposted, it's pretty safe to assume the hiring manager has reviewed the existing pool of applicants and is looking for new ones. If you haven't edited your resume, it's foolish to apply a second time and expect a different outcome.

  • You don't meet the job requirements. There's no point in applying for a job if you don't possess the right qualifications. Review the job listing again to identify which requirements are considered “must-haves.” If you don't meet these core requirements, you shouldn't have bothered applying for the job in the first place and certainly shouldn't apply a second time.

When should you reapply for the job that's been reposted?

While there are a few instances when it's not in your best interest to reapply for a job that's been reposted, there are many cases when it does make sense:

  • Your resume has been professionally rewritten. If you used a professional resume-writing service to makeover your resume, apply for the position a second time. Writing a compelling resume is both an art and a science; if you haven't been professionally trained to write a resume, it's unfair to expect your resume to fare well in the job-search black hole. Chances are, your initial job application never made it passed the dreaded resume bots or it failed the six-second resume test. Give your new resume a crack at this job opportunity.

  • You failed to customize your resume the first time around. Even a solid resume can get rejected if it wasn't tailored for the specific job listing. Take a closer look at the job requirements to ensure your resume clearly highlights your qualifications — especially within the top third of your resume's first page. For instance, you might alter your professional title to align with the position's title, swap in and out some of your core competencies, or reword some of your experience to mirror the language found in the job description.

  • Your skills or work history have changed since your initial application. If you've received a promotion, taken on new responsibilities, completed a relevant degree or certification, or developed a new skill that's required or desired for the job, update your resume and resubmit your application.

  • You discovered a typo on your original resume. When TopResume asked employers about the biggest resume mistakes that can cost a candidate the job, “spelling and/or grammatical errors” surfaced as the worst offense. If you realize that your original resume contained a typo or other error, give your edited version a thorough proofread and, assuming you're qualified for the role, apply for the job a second time.

  • Your initial resume wasn't ATS compatible. Approximately 95 percent of Fortune 500 companies rely on ATS software to help screen and vet their incoming applications. If your initial resume wasn't crafted with this electronic gatekeeper in mind, there's a good chance your application never made it onto the hiring manager's desk for review. In this case, leveraging AI tools can help you identify important keywords and optimize your resume for ATS compatibility, increasing your chances of passing the system's filters. Reapply for the job if it's been reposted and you've updated your resume to an ATS-friendly format.

Related: How to Proofread Your Resume

Resume tips for reapplying for a job

If you decided it's worth your time to reapply for the job, follow the tips below to improve your application's chances of success:

  • Proofread, proofread, proofread. Don't let a silly mistake squash your chances of landing the interview. Carefully review your resume to ensure it's typo-free.

  • Customize your cover letter and resume. There's no point in reapplying for a position if you don't take the time to tailor your application to the role.

  • Take the ATS into consideration. If the company uses an ATS to manage its applications, see if it provides you with an option to replace your old resume file with the new one. If it doesn't, you may want to use a different email than the one you used for your initial application to avoid creating a duplicate record in the system.

  • Seek out referrals. You're 10 times more likely to land the job when your application is accompanied by an employee referral. Run an advanced search on your LinkedIn network and see if you know anyone who currently or previously worked at the company. If you find someone you know, reach out and see if they can provide you with insider tips on the company's hiring processes. Better yet, find out if they're willing to pass your resume along to the hiring manager or if they'll allow you to include their name in your application.

Follow the steps above when reapplying for a job that's been reposted and your chances of getting a call back are sure to improve!

Is your resume ready for your next application (or reapplication)? Check with a free resume critique today!

Each week, TopResume's career advice expert, Amanda Augustine, answers user questions like the one below from Quora. A certified professional career coach (CPCC) and resume writer (CPRW), Amanda has been helping professionals improve their careers for nearly 15 years.

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